Letter to my husband Dan

January 17, 2019

Dan Central Park Headshot
A little backstory on why I am writing this letter to my husband Dan now. On our first anniversary, Dan wrote a letter to me and I’ve meant to write one back but as you know life happens.
Dan Central Park Headshot Dan Central Park Headshot

Here’s my letter to my husband Dan:

Dear Dan,
When I met you in 2007, I had no idea what adventures life would bring. You grew on me unexpectedly, first as a friend, then as something much deeper. Honestly, your patience, joy for life and laughter is what drew me to you. Still now, over 12 years I will never, ever get enough of your laugh! It is truly my favorite sound in the world to me.

This is my prayer for you…

This is my prayer for you, as you continue on this journey called life. I pray that your relationship with God will continue to grow deeper still with every passing year; That the bond is so undeniable to anyone who meets you, will see that you’re a man of faith. I pray that you will become wiser in His ways, not the ways of this world and lead our family into the Light on the journey ahead. My prayer is that God will give you the strength and courage not just in the good times but also the hard ones, when you feel like giving up. I pray that you will continue to have your passion and joy for serving, lifting up and loving others in and outside of work. There are so many other prayers but I’ll end with this for now. I pray that you will continue to put Him first and our marriage second as you have done in keeping our wedding vows.

Thankful for every momoent

I am so thankful for all the things you do for me, but here’s just a few. Thanks for always being my test subject even standing out in the winter freezing air with no jacket just for the shot! Thank you for honoring your family and my family in every way. Even being by my family’s side when my grandfather passed. Thanks for always taking out the trash and getting the mail because you know I hate doing that! Thanks for quoting all the Disney movies, knowing every line and singing at the top of your lungs! Thank you for forcing me to slow down in life, enjoy the quiet, simple moments and making me laugh with even the smallest things. Most importantly, thank you for encouraging me and continuing to push me to be more like Jesus every single day.
Every year by your side is a gift, one that I will treasure forever and I thank God each day for every moment, the good and imperfect ones. Thank you for just being you, the one He created you to be.
Love your wife,
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  1. Debbie Ryan says:

    This is the sweetest and most beautiful blog ever! May god continue to bless him and you both and your beautiful marriage!

  2. Luisa says:

    Please dear God continue blessing this beautiful soul in everything he touches! And this amazing marriage!💕💕💕
